Wedding bouquets: Teresa de la Pisa

Wedding bouquets: Teresa de la Pisa

Teresa is a well known fashion designer. Her friends that know her since she was a child, always comment she was fascinated with corals. One day she started experimenting with tin, corals and sea urchins and turned sculpture into her profession. All her work is inspired by nature, as Teresa herself comments » nature is an ever ending source of inspiration, ideas, sensations, colours and textures for her pieces of art». A happy and vitalist woman she thoroughly enjoys the process of creation often wondering where it will lead her to. The important thing as she says «is that the end result brings happiness and joy».

What has this designer got to do with weddings? She produces wonderful sculptures in the shape of wedding bouquets, from metal leaves to sea urchins, corals, and even wood. Once the wedding is over you just need to take your wedding bouquet to her, and Teresa will turn it into an incredible sculpture that you can keep as a fond memory of your wedding in your home. Don´t you agree this is a wonderful idea?

Wedding bouquets : Teresa de la Pisa

Wedding bouquets : Teresa de la Pisa

You can see her work at Anmoder (C/ Núñez de Balboa, 7. Madrid)

Photo 1 : Blog de Vega Royo-Villanova

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