Autumn and Spring wedding dresses

Autumn and Spring wedding dresses

Autumn and Spring are lovely times of the year to get married but there is always the worry of what the weather will be like. Here I have chosen some wedding dresses from famous Spanish and other international designers. These dresses are all from their latest collections as were seen on the Gaudí and the Cibeles fashionshows as well as the Bridal Fashion Week.

Although you might feel you may want a long sleeve wedding dress, most of the designs I have chosen come with short sleeves or very thin sleeves so that you don´t feel too warm when dancing and moving around.  They are thought to be worn with something nice and warm on top, that you can afterwards take off. Here are some of my favourite designs.  Hope you like them !

Autumn and Spring wedding dresses
Designers: 1. Jesús del Pozo; 2. Jesús Peiró; 3. Ana Torres; 4. Victorio & Lucchino
Autumn and Spring wedding dresses
Designers: 1. Angel Sanchez; 2. Francis Montesinos; 3. Charo Perez; 4. Isabel Zarpardiez
Autumn and Spring wedding dresses
Designers : 1. Rosa Clará ; 2. Oscar de la Renta
Autumn and Spring wedding dresses
Designers: 1. Jesús Peiró; 2. Carolina Herrera; 3. Hannibal Laguna; 4. Francis Montesinos

Images : Vogue


Un comentario en “Autumn and Spring wedding dresses

  1. Hello..
    The collection of gowns you shared in the post is really very nice. It will help many bridals in choosing the best for the special day when they actually wants to look beautiful and charming.

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